Do you have a National Vendor Declaration/Waybill?
Do you have FULL LPA Accreditation?
Have you sold through McDougall and Sons Pty Ltd before? If not we need your details
Do your cattle have NLIS devices?
National Vendor Declaration/Waybill
The National Vendor Declaration/Waybill is a declaration by the producers regarding the food safety status for the livestock being sold. The NVD/Waybill is also a legal document for the transportation of livestock. It is important that the NVD/Waybill is correct and fully completed and must accompany livestock to the sale yards
To order a National Vendors Declaration Book or an Emergency NVD or to find out more information click here to go to the Meat and Livestock Australia website, or phone 1800 683 111.
Pig Pass
A pig pass is required to sell pigs at a saleyards. To order a Pig Pass click here or Phone 1800 001 458
Client Registration Form
A client registration form is required if you have not sold livestock with us before.
It is the vendors and buyers responsibility to make sure that all their details are up to date prior to livestock being purchased or sold.
Click on the icon below to download this form and return completed form prior to sale day.

Client Registration Form 166.34 KB